Blog Author



Hi! I am the the co-founder of and Business Development Director; I've been at this hosting lark for more than twenty two years, ulp.. I oversee multiple areas of our business to ensure products and services are meeting our customer's needs. You can get in touch over on LinkedIn or replying to any of most posts. In my spare time I am exceptionally interested in food and drink, I run several food website and am a multi-award winning, food and drink writer.

WordPress 5.0 set for possible 2018 release

Announced last week was the re-affirmation that WordPress 5.0 might be released this year. Matt Mullenweg – ostensibly the driving force behind the direction of…

Featured domain name sale – .LONDON

Every so often we like to focus on a particular domain; after all, we currently offer more than 250 different options, and the choice can…

From the support desk: Why we’re saying goodbye to the email catchall

End of the catch all Users may have noticed that we have dropped support for “catch all”…

New and improved website

If you’ve been browsing our site over the last few days, you may have noticed it has received a brand new lick of paint. We’ve spent a…

Did you know – half price .com domain names when you transfer them to

One lesser known aspect of the domain name transfer system is that some registrars require…

Did you know: free hosting with refer a friend

Every now and then we like remind you of some of the lesser known features of your hosting and in…

Improving your email service

Queries about email rank among the top three reasons customers get in touch with us; “How can I reduce the amount of spam I receive?”, “Why…

End of EV SSL support

As of today we’re removing EV SSL certificates from sale on our site. We’re making the decision as we no longer believe the product is…

4 tips for managing plugins

This is a guest post from Kori Hill over at AddThis. AddThis are a keen WordPress community supporter and offer a wonderful free plugin that helps…