Latest product updates and improvements
The eagle-eyed amongst you might’ve noticed it’s been quiet on the blog front for well, frankly longer than we’d like. Contrary to the digital tumbleweeds…

Is WordPress Multisite Good for SEO?
WordPress Multisite is a brilliant tool if you need to manage multiple sites under one roof. It can cut down on maintenance time and…

Christmas hours for 2024 at 34SP.com
In order to make sure your site is prepped for the holiday season, we like to announce our own availability for the period as…

Changes to the 34SP.com login process
If you log in to account.34sp.com page today, you may notice a new added security feature. Starting today all users will now face…

Updating your stored credit or debit card for recurring billing
You may have recently received an email from us asking you to update a stored debit or credit card. This…

More than 100x performance – why you need to choose optimized WordPress Hosting
100x performance; it’s a big and bold claim! If you’ve spent time researching web hosting options, you’ve no…

PHP 8.2 rollout complete across our latest platforms
For those keen to use the latest PHP release, our rollout of the 8.2 branch is now complete. Our Professional, Reseller, and WordPress…

Streamline launching a new site with our WordPress setup tool
This week sees the latest enhancement to our WordPress platform. Should you require assistance in establishing a new WordPress website,…

PHP 8.x is now available on our Professional Hosting platform
Following the release of our new Reseller platform late last year, this month sees the activation of our new Professional…