
WordCamp Manchester October 2015

10 October 2015

Siobhan Hancock

Congratulations to the organisers of WordCamp Manchester 2015, for another successful WordCamp! have now become regular sponsors and attenders of WordCamp in lots of different locations around the globe. We look forward to the event in our hometown of Manchester every year – and every year the excitement of the event is delivered as promised. It is safe to say we have all had a fantastic weekend! staff attended a cross section of  talks covering a wide range of subjects, as with WordCamp Manchester you are guaranteed to find something for everybody. Here are just a few of the amazing talks we went to:

‘Developing Your Content Strategy’ by @LizHannaford gave brilliant tips on managing a blog and growing your existing blog.

‘Building Themes Using WordPress Customize’ by @daveTGreen was also a very inspiring talk about enhancing the WordPress Customizer.

Tim Nash’s talk ‘A Very Modern WordPress Stack’ was very well received and we also enjoyed Mike Little‘s talk on ‘VPS Hosting for Speed and Security’.

We look forward to seeing them all again on, definitely worth the watch.

Thank you to Tim Nash for the great photos seen in this blog.

If you have never been to WordCamp before, WordCamp Manchester is highly recommended to people from all backgrounds, from the beginner to the WordPress contributor. WordPress has a very friendly and helpful community and we love to be a part of it. It is informal in general, however with such a diverse range of people there, if it is help you are looking for you are likely to find it.

This year we asked attendees – as respected members of the WordPress Community – to take a look at our brand new managed WordPress Hosting platform. As our clients know, we rely heavily on the feedback and suggestions we get, and we aim to create the best hosting products possible. Thank you to everyone who took a flyer and has helped us by testing our WordPress platform. We are delighted to have built a custom hosting setup for WordPress and we aim to impress our clients as much as we have impressed our beta testers.

Come and say ‘Hi’ to us next year, we always welcome informal chats and love to help. You can find us at the Manchester WordPress User Group too, which takes place every third Wednesday of the month. Thank you to the organisers and to all the great people we met this year at WordCamp. Always keep an eye out for our upcoming WordPress Job Roles and be part of our friendly team.